متوفر في متناول يدك في المنزل ، وهو أول إصدار كهربائي فريد من صينية الخبز المعدنية فقط ضعي العجينه الرقيقه وفي بضع دقائق ستتحول الى خبز رقيق ولذيذ
Available at your fingertip at home, the first unigue electrical version of the well-known Saj & Nan Bread convex metal griddle used mostly in mediterranean countries and the Levent region for making the thin flat Markook bread, Markook sandwiches, and pita bread. Similar to producers for making some other flatbreads, the dough of Markook is flattend and kept every thin before cooking, resulting in a very slender dept.
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